Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012

Sop i took this one and gave it a bit bit more spaceshippyness. Hope you like it. Leet me know if you dont.

2nd one are some drony concepts which i might do later in 3d

Sonntag, 8. Juli 2012

So this was doe in tonights 2h Livestream. Hope you liked it. I ll fall into my bed now. Let me hear what you think. Business as usual. Critiques welcome.
Have a good night

Cheers Braxxon

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

So I finally finished this. It was a long day but im glad i could push myself after  Work. I also managed to kind of rescue this one, due I was about to throw it away.
I swear it looked unbelievably horribly at certain points.
So let me hear what you think about it

Cheers Markus

Sonntag, 1. Juli 2012

Yeaah so this was my todays livestream I did and i basically wasted an hour  just for rendering a spaceship which i deleted in the final version. Lol me.

Anyways... Buisiness as usual if you have any suggestions, if you liked it or if you didnt just let me know. As well as critiques.
Hope you enjoy it
